Making Fresh Jasmine Face Spray

Making Fresh Jasmine Face Spray

Jasmine is one of my favorite smells in the world. It never gets old. Always uplifting, sweet, and invigorating. Im quite literally addicted to it. Thats why making a DIY face spray is brilliant for me. These little bottles of flower juice are quite expensive if you buy them in a store. But since I planted a large jasmine bush in...


The Shirley Temple Set and Fresh Jasmine Face Spray!

The Shirley Temple Set and Fresh Jasmine Face Spray!

Now that our jasmine flowers are blooming, I can't stop stashing them absolutely everywhere in the house. Their fresh scent is heaven and makes us feel all the sensual, sexy feelings of summer. Much like the Shirley Temple set, pictured here in all its glory. In an effort to bring some lightness into the remaining dreary months, feast your eyes on these cherries...