Welcome to the garden...

Lady Dandelion Medicinal Gardens

Create a sustainable ecosystem in your own home filled with fruit, vegetables, herbs, flowers, birds, bees, butterflies, and fragrance. No matter how big or small your space is, you can have access to a medicinal garden at home.

A Mini Revolution in Your Home

Imagine walking into your own space and having an immediate sense of serenity and wellness. A medicinal garden is a full sensory experience. Replace expensive supplements with the vitamins and minerals you pick and eat immediately. Put down your phone, grab your kids, walk outside, start planting and harvesting. Watch your life quickly change. It is in the little choices we make that make the hugest impact.

Schedule discovery call

Not Your Average Landscape Design Service

My goal is to work with you to bring your personal dreams to life in the garden. We can plant together, design together, learn to work with the plants and the seasons. As a medicinal garden consultant, I am here to work with you and share my knowledge. Rather than leaving you with a bunch of plants and no idea how to tend them, we will create a plan together catered to your needs.

Beauty, Sustainability, Serentiy, Medicine

Whether you are interested in edible flowers, cutting flowers, an herb garden, a fruit and veggie garden, or all of the above, we will work together to bring you your ideal state of abundance.

schedule discovery call

The garden reconciles human art and wild nature, hard work and deep pleasure, spiritual practice and the material world. It is a magical place because it is not divided.

  • Garden Consultation

    If you are local to Los Angeles, you can enlist my services for a 1 hour long in person session. In this time, I will work with you to assess all your needs and what kind of garden will best suit your lifestyle. You can also use this time to ask any questions you may have about your space and plants.

  • Garden Design

    A formal garden design is a 3-D rendering of your garden plan based on your specific space, measurements, plant goals, and desires. This will set you up to then get your garden planted on your own, or have it installed with me and my team.

  • Garden Coaching

    Garden coaching is a way for us to work together 1 on 1 to help you on your own personal journey in the garden. Do you have a garden set up but you dont know how to maintain it? I will be your garden fairy, helping you to get the most out of your garden and guiding you into deeper connection with your own land.

Set up free 15 minute discovery call

Everything you need to know about life, you will learn in the garden.